Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | dark roast coffee

AeroPress brew method

An AeroPress brews simple and flavorful coffee and is easy to pack when traveling. The AeroPress brew method takes about 2-3 minutes to make and can bring out your inner scientist. Take the hassle out of brewing with this portable and lightweight coffee brewing technique.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | brewing coffee at home

How to use the AeroPress brew method

The AeroPress uses the power of aerodynamics to brew coffee quickly and easily. Portable and lightweight, the AeroPress brew method is the easiest way to have amazing tasting coffee wherever you go. It comes with a special disc-shaped filter that delivers a clean cup, reduces bitterness, and prevents grounds from slipping into your final beverage.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | travel-friendly coffee

Boil water

Water temperature: 85° C/ 185° F

Boil filtered water using an electric kettle. Boiled water will be used for the initial bloom and then the temperature will be reduced for the brew portion of the method. An electric kettle reduces the time to boil dramatically and also allows you to adjust the temperature, which will be critical for removing the bitterness from dark roast brewing.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | electric gooseneck kettle

Wet the filter

While the water is boiling, insert the paper filter into the cap. Once you have hot water on hand, slowly/ carefully wet the paper filter and the cap to start heating the area and help the filter adhere. Assemble the device, ensuring it is dry so it seals properly.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | wet paper filter

Medium-fine grind, 1:12 - 1:15 brew ratio

While the water is boiling, grind Roast28 whole coffee beans on a medium-fine setting. Carefully place the coffee grounds into the larger funnel-shaped area. We prefer to brew our dark roast coffee with an AeroPress at a 1:12 ratio, which means 1 part ground coffee to 12 parts water. For example, if you brew 15 grams of coffee (3 level tablespoons), you should use 180 grams of water (3/4 cup).  You can increase the amount of water up to 1:15 as the roast level gets lighter.  

Note: Be sure to check the manufacturer settings for the recommended grind setting. Too coarse, and the coffee will be flat and weak; too fine and the result will be bitter and overpowering. (We use a Baratza Encore at setting 10 for all AeroPress recipes that come with your coffee.)

Watch the video on our YouTube channel.

Roast28 | Baratza Encore grind setting | AeroPress

Bloom coffee for 30 seconds

A good rule of thumb for blooming is to add twice the weight of water than you have grounds. Pour a small bit of water over grounds being sure to saturate them fully and let it sit for 30 seconds. This segment of the brew releases trapped gasses and allows for a more even extraction (you are extracting flavor compounds in this step). Remember to calculate the amount of blooming water into your total overall water used for brewing or your coffee will be weak.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | bloom coffee

Brew coffee for 2 minutes

Once the coffee has had a chance to bloom, add the remaining hot water. Brew the coffee for 2 minutes and then stir a few times to agitate the grounds. This allows the coffee grounds an extra chance to be absorbed by the water and helps deepen the flavor.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | stir coffee

Apply pressure to extract

When ready, place the smaller plunger into the larger piece holding the brewed coffee. Place the plunger about 1 cm (1/2") into the chamber and apply around 30 pounds of pressure to push coffee through filter. You will hear a slight hissing sound when the coffee is fully extracted.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | apply pressure coffee brewing


Sometimes pour-overs can be too clean and need a little extra body, while a French press might not deliver the strength you are looking for. The aerodynamics and filter give coffee brewed with an AeroPress a great balance of body and clarity. If you enjoy a stronger cup of coffee that is super clean, these brew tips will help you achieve the right balance.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | iced coffee


There are so many factors that you can play with when brewing coffee with an AeroPress. Adjust brew time, metal/ paper filter types, coffee dosage, and water temperature—one element at a time so you can properly determine the change it makes. Once you figure out how you like to use the AeroPress best with hot coffee, experiment with iced coffee, coffee floats, and standard/ inverted options.

Roast28 | AeroPress brew method | community comment

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Join the community and let us know what works best for you. Leave a comment with the French press brew method that you prefer below and be sure to include details (roast level, coffee flavor, etc.). We'll try your method and make adjustments to this article as we continue to experiment together.

Last updated: 02/29/2024
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I want this right now! I’ve needed this exact thing for so long. Thank you so much for providing this to the world.

Bill Hobbs

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